Common Errors

Common error responses you may receive when sending requests to the xAPI.

The xAPI uses common HTTP response codes to indicate successful or unsuccessful request attempts. Generally, any 2XX response codes indicate a successful request, while errors are indicated with a 4XX code. In most cases, error messages are supplied that explain why the request failed.

The following are common errors you may receive when sending requests to the xAPI.

Code Error Resolution
400 Bad request. Check the payload to confirm that objects have required fields and data.
401 Unauthorized login. • Send the Login request to refresh your authorization tokens.
• Verify that the user account has been created in EPASS and the user type is set to API User.
• Verify that you are using the correct user and password.
422 Invalid field or missing value. • Verify that a required filed hasn’t been missed in the payload or that an incorrect value type has been used.