
The authentication endpoints are used to manage access to the xAPI session.

Log into the xAPI

POST /authentication/login

Sending this endpoint logs the user in and starts a new xAPI session. Two tokens are returned: the session token and a refresh token.



Key Type Description
UserID string xAPI user ID defined in EPASS.
Password string User ID password.
OrganizationID string Your orginization ID.
ApplicationName string The name of your application that is accessing EPASS via the xAPI. Note: This is a freeform field that is not validated by the xAPI.


Key Type Description
BranchCode string The store branch code. Branch codes are located in EPASS at Tools > System Maintenance > Tables > Branch.
TerminalCode string The Terminal code. You can locate this code in EPASS at Tools > System Maintenance > Tables > Branch. Select the branch code, and then click Terminals.

Sample: Logging In

POST /authentication/login 
    "UserId": "CGN",
    "Password": "12345",
    "OrganizationId": "ACME APPLIANCE",
    "ApplicationName": "ACME WEBSTORE APP",
    "BranchCode": "001",
    "TerminalCode": "default"

    "successful": true,
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9",
    "tokenExpiry": "2022-01-25T10:03:00.2225716-08:00",
    "additionalMessages": "Login successful.",
    "refreshToken": "bHVOZAuXqkQVieTobFgAjOnqh",
    "refreshExpiry": "2022-01-25T10:03:00.2227206-08:00"

    "successful": false,
    "token": null,
    "tokenExpiry": null,
    "additionalMessages": "Invalid user or password.",
    "refreshToken": null,
    "refreshExpiry": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"

Refresh Your Login Tokens

PUT /authentication/tokenrefresh

This endpoint returns new session and refresh tokens.


Key Type Description
CurrentToken string Your session token.
RefreshToken string Your refresh token.

Sample: Refreshing Your Login Tokens

PUT /authentication/tokenrefresh
    "CurrentToken": "123456789",
    "RefreshToken": "987654321"

    "successful": true,
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ",
    "tokenExpiry": "2022-01-26T15:05:15.6413881-08:00",
    "additionalMessages": "Refresh successful.",
    "refreshToken": "IqXRYpohZhg6Zvd9DXpvcGt6N",
    "refreshExpiry": "2022-01-26T15:05:15.6415093-08:00"

    "successful": false,
    "token": null,
    "tokenExpiry": null,
    "additionalMessages": "An error occured attempting to parse the 		users session token. The message returned was: \"IDX12709: 				CanReadToken() returned false. JWT is not well formed: 					'System.String'.\nThe token needs to be in JWS or JWE Compact 			Serialization Format. (JWS): 					'EncodedHeader.EndcodedPayload.EncodedSignature'. (JWE): 'EncodedProtectedHeader.EncodedEncryptedKey.EncodedInitializationVector.EncodedCiphertext.EncodedAuthenticationTag'.\"",
    "refreshToken": null,
    "refreshExpiry": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"

Validate Your Tokens

GET /authentication/tokenvalidate

This endpoint validates your session and refresh tokens. If both tokens are valid, a confirmation message is returned.

Sample: Validating Your Tokens

GET /authentication/tokenvalidate

    "success": true,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 0,
    "generalMessage": "Token is valid.",
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [],
    "messages": [],
    "warnings": []

    "StackTrace": null,
    "Message": "Token expired.",
    "Data": {},
    "InnerException": null,
    "HelpLink": null,
    "Source": "Establish sesssion from token.",
    "HResult": -2146233088

Log Out of the xAPI

DEL /authentication/logout

This endpoint logs you out of the xAPI by invalidating your tokens and ending the xAPI session.

Sample: Logging Out of the xAPI

DELETE /authentication/logout

    "success": true,
    "warning": false,
    "httpStatusCode": 0,
    "generalMessage": "Session was found and removed successfully.",
    "exceptionMessage": null,
    "keys": [],
    "messages": [],
    "warnings": []