
In EPASS, scheduled deliveries of product from the store to the customer, or scheduled service calls, are managed under “Dispatching”.

Search the Call Count Calendar

POST /dispatching/callcount

This endpoint searches and returns data from EPASS’s Call Count Calendar.


A business can realistically only make a limited amount of deliveries or service appointments per day. The number of appointments, or “calls”, that can be made on each business day, and in each geographical area (called a “map zone"), are maintained in the Call Count Calendar.

The endpoint searches through the call count calendar and returns data such as the amount of calls allowed on a specific day, in a specific map zone, the amount of calls already taken, and whether a day is “closed” for additional calls.

Sample: Searching the Call Count Calendar

POST /dispatching/callcount
    "query": {
        "callDate": "2022-01-31T00:00:00",
        "mapZoneCode": "DELB"
    "tables": {
        "DispCallCount": [

  "Results": {
    "Success": true,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 200,
    "GeneralMessage": "Returned 1 record",
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []
  "Query": {
    "CallDate": "2022-01-31T10:00:00",
    "MapZoneCode": "DELB"
  "DispCallCount": [
      "Fields": {
        "ID": 34871,
        "CallDate": "2022-01-31T00:00:00",
        "CallsAllowed": 110,
        "CallsTaken": 0,
        "Closed": false,
        "MapZoneCode": "DELB"